Three decisions to make before you register
- You will select and pay for pre-conference tours during registration. Visit the Monday conference tour options for tour details before you proceed with registration.
- State's Night Out: The Tuesday evening dinner meal is “on your own” and is the only meal not provided for in the conference registration fee. Billings has a variety of restaurants and food options in the general area of the conference hotel, and we know conference-goers will enjoy the opportunity to have a night out with their state. Individual states/chapters are responsible for making arrangements for their group. Downtown Billings has a restaurant listing.
- During registration you will designate what type of attendee groups you belong to. You can select more than one. Please be sure to select first time attendee if you have never attended an ESP conference before so we can get an accurate head count for the first time attendee session.
Decisions to make after you register
- After you register for the conference, you will be directed to select conference tours, and then directed to a donation page. If you choose to donate later, you can always click the link in your confirmation email to Donate to the Development Fund. All donations of $100 or more will receive the collectible ESP 2023 Conference Pin.
Spouse/Guest Registration
You will have the option to purchase additional meals and tour tickets for a spouse/guest during registration at special pricing. Please contact the National Office for additional adult guests or youth registration options.
Special Invoicing
Do you need to special invoicing for conference fees? This is common for individuals needing to pay for guest tickets separately. If so, please select the check payment option and designate any special invoicing instructions in the notes field. You will be invoiced within 10 days of your registration and will then have the option to pay by check or by credit card. The registration system is new this year and will allow to check out separately for registration, tours, and donations.
Epsilon Sigma Phi Refund and Cancellation Policy
Requests for refunds must be sent to the National ESP Office. All refunds will be issued 4 to 6 weeks after the event. Substitute registrants are welcome and may be named at any time for registrations only (no substitutions will be allowed for stipends which otherwise would be awarded).
Registration Rate Payments:
If payment is not received by deadline, registration will be charged at the prevailing higher rate or subject to cancellation.
Payment or proof of mailed payment must be received by the early bird registration deadline in order to honor the early bird registration rate. Early bird registration payments not made by the deadline are subject to be changed to the regular registration rate.
Regular Registration: Payment or proof of mailed payment must be received by the regular registration deadline in order to honor the regular registration rate. Regular registration payments not made by the deadline are subject to be changed to the late registration rate.
Any registrations not paid by the deadline will be subject to cancellation.
FAQ Examples:
Early Bird: Payment or proof of mailed payment must be received by the early bird registration deadline in order to honor the early bird registration rate. Early bird registration payments not made by the deadline are subject to be changed to the regular registration rate.
Regular Registration: Payment or proof of mailed payment must be received by the regular registration deadline in order to honor the regular registration rate. Regular registration payments not made by the deadline are subject to be changed to the late registration rate.
Any registrations not paid by the deadline will be subject to cancellation.
Refunds will be granted as follows:
- All refunds will incur a $50 processing fee.
- Refund requests sent at least 30 days prior to the event will be granted in full.
- Refund requests sent 14 days to 30 days prior to the event will be granted at fifty percent (50%).
- Refund requests sent less than 14 days prior to the event will NOT be granted.
- Refund appeals due to an emergency will be handled on a case by case basis and require board approval.
Do you have the correct email associated with your profile and are your dues paid?
You will need to enter your ESP email address to register in order to receive ESP Member rates. If you have forgotten which email address is associated with your ESP member account, find your name in the ESP Directory and "Send Message" to yourself, or click on your name in gold below. The message will go to your ESP email. You may also contact the National Office at
If you see your name below, you are already logged in and you may proceed to registration.
If you did not renew your dues on time and are showing as a lapsed or pending renewal member, you may your dues and still access member rates, however, you will be assessed a $25 late renewal fee on your conference registration.