January 13, 2025, at 1 PM (EST)/ 10 AM (PST)
Extension Agent Retention Research Study: Practices that Improve Job Satisfaction and Agent Longevity
Kaitlyn Peine, Kansas – Alpha Rho Chapter
While employee turnover is inevitable in today's workforce, an opportunity exists for Extension to identify and promote best practices to improve Extension agent retention. In 2023, an Extension agent retention study was conducted among agents. The focus of the study was agent job satisfaction, and the field experience of agents was collected through a collective case study. The study examined the role of local unit agents and experiences regarding professional development, organizational and office culture, and relationships with supervisors. Webinar participants will learn about the study's results, including practices that result in agent longevity and higher job satisfaction.
PO Box 1440
Owasso, Oklahoma 74055
Phone: 918-376-0841
Email: espoffice@espnational.org
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